M.C. McCallum, F. Korzeniowski, S. Oramas, F. Gouyon, A.F. Ehmann, "Supervised and unsupervised learning of audio representations for music understanding", ISMIR
M. Heydari, M.C. McCallum, A.F. Ehmann, Z. Duan, "A novel 1D state space for efficient music rhythmic analysis", Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE International Conference on
M.C. McCallum, "Methods and apparatus to segment audio and determine audio segment similarities", US Patent 11,024,288
M.C. McCallum, "Methods and apparatus to reduce noise from harmonic noise sources", US Patent 11,017,797
F. Korzeniowski, O. Nieto, M.C. McCallum, M. Won, S. Oramas, E. Schmidt, "Mood classification using listening data", ISMIR
O. Nieto, M.C. McCallum, M.E.P. Davies, A. Robertson, A. Stark, E. Egozy, "The Harmonix Set: beats, downbeats, and functional segment annotations of western popular music", ISMIR
M.C. McCallum, "Unsupervised learning of deep features for music segmentation", Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE International Conference on
M.C. McCallum, "Unsupervised deep feature learning for music segmentation", ISMIR (late breaking session)
M.C. McCallum, "Foreground harmonic noise reduction for robust audio fingerprinting", Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE International Conference on
M.C. McCallum, "Single-channel statistical Bayesian short-time Fourier transform speech enhancement with deterministic a priori information", Doctoral Dissertation, University of Auckland
M.C. McCallum and B.J. Guillemin, "Stochastic-deterministic MMSE STFT speech enhancement with general a priori information", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Language Processing
M.C. McCallum and B.J. Guillemin, "Stochastic-deterministic signal modelling for the tracking of pitch in noise and speech mixtures using factorial HMMs", Interspeech
M.C. McCallum and B.J. Guillemin, "Joint stochastic-deterministic Wiener filtering with recursive Bayesian estimation of deterministic speech", Interspeech
M.C. McCallum and B.J. Guillemin, "Accounting for deterministic noise components in a MMSE STSA speech enhancement framework", Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), International Symposium on